
your brand

Search your brand name
Jacob Risgaard
Protect your business.

Unikpånettet.dk search in the most important registers, so that you quickly get an overview of whether the right .dk domain name is available. You will also get answers to which domains are close to your name, information from CVR and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office.

Connect your brand and protect your digital identity.

Digital recognition

You must be able to be found across platforms and be known as the same. It is important that customers know they are with the right company. Your digital identity should have the domain name as the core.
Do you have a unique brand profile?

A brand contains many elements - your company name, your domain name, your email address, your trademark and your profile name on social media, etc. When building a brand, it's a good idea to make sure the elements fit together.

In this way, you create recognition among your customers, and you contribute to securing your company and products against copying.

Unikpånettet.dk gives you an overview. You can see domain names that are close to your name, you can see registered company names and you can get an insight into registered trademarks.


of consumers in a worldwide survey believe that a website is an important component of a company's digital identity. And 66% believe that a company with its own unique website is more trustworthy than a company without one.*

The email address is essential.

Your email address must clearly reflect your brand, and this only happens if you use the right domain name in the address.

With a domain, you get a unique email server so that you can be clearly recognized. If your invoices and customer communications come from, for example, a Gmail or Hotmail, you risk being ignored because it seems untrustworthy.


of consumers in a worldwide survey believe that companies using a branded email address are more trustworthy than those using free email services.*

Take care of your brand and register domain names that are similar to your main name.

Surrounding domain names are a really good idea to consider. Think long-term and register surrounding domains, e.g. with hyphens or Æ, Ø and Å. In this way, you protect your digital profile even better and avoid your competitor taking a domain name very similar to yours.

It would be a shame if your sales traffic is stolen by a hyphen and your customers end up with the competitor.

Protected product names can strengthen your business and your digital identity.

It can be a really good idea to also protect your product names. In the long run, your business will grow and before you know it, it may be your biggest or best-selling product that you are known for and therefore the most important to your business.

The first step can be here at unikpånettet.dk, where you can get an insight into whether your product names can be trademark protected. Get the full overview at the Patent and Trademark Office. If you trademark your product names, it will be easier for you to prove that you own the rights to them if you are copied. This also applies to your company name and other characteristics of your company, e.g. a logo or a small soundbite (jingle). Think all the way around, think long-term and complete your brand from the start.

Read more about trademark protection at the Danish Patent and Trademark Office.

Read more about intellectual property rights in the EU here.

* ”Websites, Branded Email Remain Key to SMB Internet Services”, S&B Global Marketing, 2022 - Commisioned by Verisign

Who owns your data?

If you have customer traffic, their behavior and history is valuable. That information is not always just your own if you use social media or other sales platforms rather than a domain.
Social media is not always adequate.

If you only exist on social media, you do not own your own customer data and others can easily take your company name online.

The problem may be that social media or sales platforms can know more about your customers behavior and in effect own your customer data. With your own domain, website and email address, you are 100% in control, and you are present in more than one place. That way, you do not lose everything if your Instagram or Facebook page is locked or hacked, and you only have access to your customer data yourself.


of consumers in a worldwide survey believe that it is more uncertain to find, communicate with and do business with companies that only operate on social media or other sales platforms.*

* ”Websites, Branded Email Remain Key to SMB Internet Services”, S&B Global Marketing, 2022 - Commisioned by Verisign

Do you want to know more?

Here you can learn more about trademarks and company names. Get good advice and guidance if you are a start-up company.

At the Patent and Trademark Office you can learn more about trademarks. Get good advice and guidance if you are a start-up company.
Are you considering starting a business? Then there are several things you need to manage, such as company form, business model and financing. Virksomhedsguiden gives you help and guidance on how to start your business and how you subsequently operate and develop it.
When you're starting out, it's a really good idea to think about protecting your brand

Once you've got the business going, it can be tempting to just look after it, instead of guarding your digital identity. Fortunately, there is helping to be had from Brand-protectors, who can look after and guard both your domain portfolio and your digital identity.

Protect your customers and visitors.

It is your responsibility to provide a secure platform for all your visitors. With sikkerpånettet.dk, you can test your domain for the most important security standards and get help closing any security holes that may exist.

Do not forget social media

Social media is an important communication channel for your customers. It is an obvious place to support your brand and build a loyal following, and therefore it is a good idea to have a matching name where your customers and potential customers are.

Frequently asked questions
How do I register a domain name?
What is a registrar?
Who is Punktum dk?
We stand behind Unikpånettet
... and we back them up
Punktum dk A/S
Punktum dk is the administrator for domain names ending in .dk.